- Investigating the effect of stress management training based on cognitive-behavioral approach on reducing anxiety, cognitive avoidance, and improving health-related quality of life in patients with chronic pain
Mohsen Jalali, Maryam Sayari Markieh, Seyedeh Roghayeh Seyed Aghaei Ahmadi, Soraya Nasiri - The Mediating Role of Reappraisal and Suppression of Emotional Experiences in the Relationship between Personality Characteristics and Addiction Tendency
Mohsen Rasouli, Aysan Sharei, Ali Salmani - The Effectiveness of Narrative Therapy on Family Resilience and Marital Happiness in conflicted couples
ebrahim baradari, Ali Sheykholeslami, Esmaiel sadri damirchi, Hossein Ghamarigivi - The efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfulness-based cognitive- therapy in perfectionism of patients with migraine headache
sargoli shahkhaseh, Jafar Hasani, Mohammad shakeri - The Effectiveness of Integrated Meta-Diagnostic Treatment on Rumination, Cognitive Distortions and Cognitive Avoidance in Women with Depression Disorder
Mahdieh Rahmanian, Sharareh Soltani, Mojgan Agahheris - Modeling the structural equations of marital boredom in women seeking divorce based on initial incompatible schemas, marital expectations, and emotional information processing with the mediating role of sexual self-concept
abolfazl moradi, mehran azadi, zohreh mosazadeh - the effectiveness of schema therapy (ST) and intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy (ISTDP) for improving emotion regulation in Complex PTSD (CPTSD)
Hanieh Hatami, Nurallah Mohammadi, Habib Hadian Fard, Abdol Aziz Aflakseir - The effectiveness of Cognitive Behavior Therapy Based On Anger Management on the Negative urgency, response inhibition, emotional clarity in Female Adolescents with Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
Farzaneh Abbaslou, Yousef Dehghani, Sooran Rajabi, farideh sadat hosseini
- Year 2025
- Year 2024
- Year 2023
- Year 2022
- Year 2021
- Year 2020
Accepted Articles
- Examining the executive functions of the frontal lobe in patients with cancer, MS and normal individuals
Zahra Ghanbari - Psychometric investigation of the Persian Version of the Cognitive, Affective, and Somatic Empathy Scale (CASES) for Adults
arezou lashkari, Touraj Hashemi Nosrat Abadi - Determining the pattern of academic procrastination based on grounded theory
Flora jenabi, Narges Babakhani, Simin bashardoust - Prediction of Eating Behaviors Based on Object Relations and Attachment Styles:The Mediating Role of Defense Mechanisms.
akram najafi, Valiollah ramezani - The efficacy of emotion-focused therapy on impulsivity, social adjustment, and social media addiction in adolescents attempting suicide.
mahtab chegeni, reyhane sheykhan, Tooraj sepahvand - Prediction of eating attitudes based on childhood trauma with the mediating role of anxiety sensitivity and body dissatisfaction in college students
Milad Rahimi, Vahid Sadeghi-Firoozabadi - A Qualitative study of Narrative analysis of the experiences and perceptions of informal caregivers of an elderly person
Zeinab Mihandoost
Journal Information
- Current Issue: 2024، Volume 18، Number 3
- Print ISSN: 2008-0166
- Online ISSN: E۹۶۰-۹۸۴۴
- Director-in-Charge:
- Editor-in-Chief:
- Publisher:
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