Authors Guide:Guidelines for the compilation of an article for the Journal of Research in Psychological Health

 | Post date: 2017/12/11 | 

Quarterly Journal of Psychological Health/For authors/Article Writing Guide
Submission of the article is done exclusively through the electronic journal system at
 The journal have not give charges for  article submission charge. it is a free for all authors to submmite his/her works to the journal website.
 The journal does not give  article processing charges (APCs). If an article from every authors accept, the journal publish his/her work without fee publishing 

Authors Guide
Guidelines for the compilation of an article for the Journal of Research in Psychological Health
How to submit an article :
Submission of the article is done exclusively through the electronic journal system at   .
Terms of acceptance of the article:
1.Articles submitted should be in the specialized field of the journal and have an educational or research aspect as the result of the research work of the author or authors.
2.Articles from theses and dissertations of students will be published with the approval of the supervisor’s confirmation and responsibility.
3. In addition to the subject matter of the article in the specialized domain of the journal, the article or part of it should not be reviewed or published in any   journal inside or outside the country or at the same time not be submitted to other publications. Papers presented in a summary form at congresses,   symposiums, and internal and external seminars and then published, can be presented as a full paper.
4.The official language of the journal is Persian (however, articles in English will also be subject to review).
5. Translated articles from other languages ​​will not be accepted.
6. The journal is free to reject, accept, edit, adapt, or modify the accepted articles and will not return the articles received.
7. The author of the correspondence is responsible for both the validity of the article’s content scientifically and legally and the opinions submitted, and the     publication of the article does not constitute verification of all its contents.
8. Scientific-Review Papers of highly experienced authors in specialized fields will be accepted only if they have a particular innovation and the authors have had previously various articles.
9. The original rejected or revoked articles will be removed from the journal’s archive after six months, and the journal will not be held liable for them.
10. Typesetting for Article Submission should be in two columns, with an approximate distance of 1 cm between the lines and the two columns, preferably typed in font B Nazanin sized 12, and for Latin texts with Times New Roman, font size 11 with an approximate line-distance of 1 cm in the Microsoft Word 2003-2007 or higher editions and 2 cm distance from the left and right and 3 cm from the top and bottom of the paper.
11. punctuation marks must be observed in the text. For instance, inserting a space before the point (.), The comma (,) and the question mark (?) Is not necessary, but after them, the insertion of a space is required.
12. All pages of the article, including pages with a figure / table / image, have the same page-size and page number, and the maximum number of articles with tables and charts should not exceed 20 pages (6000 words).
13. The articles are received exclusively through the journal's database and the articles sent through a letter or mail will not be accepted.
14. After the publication of the article, a copy of the publication containing the article will be sent to the author of the correspondence.
15. Files must have the following sections:

Author's file: This file contains the full title of the article in Farsi and English, the author(s)’first name and surname respectively, the amount of academic contribution and place of employment or education of the author(s) (in Farsi and English), full address of the author of the correspondence in both Farsi and English (Also include postal address, telephone number, mobile number, fax and e-mail address), the name of the sponsoring institutions (if any).
Main article file: The file is an article without the authors' names. This file must contain the following: The full title of the article in Persian which is written in the middle of the page. Persian Abstract is to include a brief overview of the content of the article with emphasis on problem design, goals, methods and conclusions.
 Abstract: It should be designed in a paragraph and is supposed to have up to 250 words. This section of the article should briefly state the method of the work and the most prominent results of the research without the use of unspecified abbreviations, tables, figures and resources. Farsi Keywords is to include 3 to 7 words and the keywords should be defined in a way that can be used to create subject-index.
English Abstract and English Keywords: (The Full Translation of the Title, Text and Key Words for Persian Abstract).
 After the first page, the other pages include:
 Introduction: It should justify the aim of the research conducted through the statement of the problem and a revision of the researches done, and particularly provide a clear presentation of the innovations made in the research.
 Method: This section is comprised of the research type, sampling, tools and method of research-implementation and statistical data. Innovative methods or particular cases that have been used for the first time are to be fully described. 
Findings: To present the obtained quantitative and qualitative results in a logical and principled order (if necessary using table and charts and classification of results).
 Each table is composed of numbers, titles, headings and table text. Insert the title of each table at the top. To insert a title, after the word “table” and its number, add a dash and then the title. Avoid sending tables and charts as images.
Conclusion and discussion: To analyze the results obtained according to the purpose of the research and the findings of other studies.

-Be sure to name all figures, charts and graphs and images with the term “Figure” and insert the caption below. To insert the title of any figure, after the term “Figure” and its number, a dash and then its title are to be mentioned. Images should be in high quality and have “JPG” Format. Persian equivalent of foreign concepts and names must be subtitled. Refer to the source in the text of the article in brackets by the method (author's name, year) and in the references section, refer to the full source in alphabetical order. Only the resources used in the text should be presented in the list of resources being used. 
The references in the text are supposed to be in Farsi and in the Reference list only in English and the used Persian references should be included in the final Reference list in English. 
Latin resources should be documented, valid and accessible online. Two (or more) articles published in the previous issues of the Quarterly in accordance with the subject matter should be used in the text of the article.
How to refer within the text
  • For sources that have one or more authors: (First and last name of the first author and then insert   the word “et al” for the second and subsequent authorsyear)
  • For sources quoted from others’ writings: (First name of the author and then insert the word "et al" for the second and subsequent authorsyearquoted from the first and last name of the first author and insert the word "et al" for the second and subsequent authorsyear).

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