Jafarianfard M, Oreyzi H. Emotional Exhaustion and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Moderating Role of Organizational Citizenship Behavior Directed at Individual. Journal title 2012; 6 (3) :50-59
1- , mohsen.jafarianfard@gmail.com
Abstract: (8776 Views)
The aim of the current research was to investigate the relationship between the emotional exhaustion and organizational citizenship behavior by considering organizational citizenship behavior directed at individual (OCBI) as a moderator variable. Population of the current research included personnel of Karoon Oil & Gas Production Company and of this population, 144 persons were selected through random stratified sampling method. Measurement tools of the study were organizational citizenship behavior questionnaire developed by Podsakoff et al (1990), Maslash Burnout Inventory (1981). Data was analyzed through hierarchical regression analysis.Findings indicated that there was significant negative relationship between the emotional exhaustion and organizational citizenship behavior. OCBI moderated relationship between the emotional exhaustion and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB).Namely, in high OCBI there was significant negative relationship between the emotional exhaustion and organizational citizenship behavior, but in low OCBI this relationship disappeared. Confronting the emotional exhaustion, the managers should support personnel, so that more resources could be invested on the performances by the personnel.
Type of Study:
Research |
Published: 2012/09/15